Tools & Data

Prototype SOP4CWD Dashboard
A suite of web applications designed to provide insight and guidance to state and provincial wildlife agencies engaged in chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance.
Lead (Pb) in Bald Eagles in New York State
We investigate whether mortalities from ingestion of lead (Pb) have influenced population dynamics of eagles in New York State.
MoosePOPd: Population Dynamics in the Presence of Lethal Parasites
We draw upon equations in population matrix models to assess whether disease drives population trends in New York moose.
Population Dynamics of Bald Eagles in the Northeast US
We draw upon equations in matrix models to assess whether lead mortalities have influenced population trends of bald eagles in the Northeast United States.
IsoPOPd: Theoretical Population Modeling for Understanding Growth Rates
Demographers use eigenvalues to assess population viability of wildlife. But what is an eigenvalue? And how is it calculated? Do our management actions cause the eigenvalue to change? Our interactive IsoPOPd app demonstrates how vital rates collapse into the growth rate via a single balance equation. Use the interactive app to increase your understanding of how management activities that modify one vital rate not only change the growth rate, but how that same management activity translates to change that ripples through the system.
StallPOPd Software: Population Reduction of a Subsidized Predator
When population growth of a subsidized predator skyrockets, what can be done to mitigate the impacts to its vulnerable prey? Population matrix models can help identify strategies to combat the population growth of predators.