Our research is broadly collaborative and driven by real world issues. At any given time we may have more than a dozen active projects combining field and laboratory work with colleagues from around the country in a variety of disciplines.
Active Projects
RT-QuIC Project
To improve testing capabilities for CWD, we are building capacity for a new test for prions, Real-Time Quaking Induced Conversion (RT-QuIC)...
Ranavirus Environmental RNA (eRNA)
Exploring the potential of environmental RNA (eRNA) for ranavirus surveillance...
Lead Ammunition Camera Survey
Identifying wildlife scavengers of white-tailed deer in New York to catalog scavenger species and assess their risk of lead exposure through ammunition fragments in deer remains.
Fisher and Bobcat Population Health
Assessing how lead toxicity and anticoagulant rodenticides impact female reproductive potential and population health of fishers and bobcats in New York.
Echinococcus in New York State
Collaborative surveillance for Echinococcus multilocularis in wild canids in New York State.
SARS-CoV-2 & White-tailed Deer
Investigating the extent of infection in deer in New York and examining the relationship between environmental variables to ascertain how deer may be exposed and spread the virus to other deer.
Waterfowl Contaminant Study
Measuring chemical contaminant loads in waterfowl to assess the health of waterfowl and the potential impact on hunters who consume them.
Using Mathematical Models To Study Furbearer Populations
Using harvest data in mathematical models to help managers balance trapping activity with species sustainability.
Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease
Conducting surveillance for EHD virus in New York and surrounding states, with the goal of characterizing the prevalence of the virus, the degree of developing immunity among white-tailed deer, and the spatiotemporal dynamics of serotype distribution.
Porcupine Health and Adenoviruses
Looking into the emerging infections of adenovirus in North American porcupines
Surveillance Optimization Project for Chronic Wasting Disease (SOP4CWD)
Our Surveillance Optimization Project for Chronic Wasting Disease (SOP4CWD) collaboration has developed the CWD Data Warehouse, an online platform for CWD surveillance planning and data management available at no cost to wildlife agencies across North America.
Bald Eagles Population Impact Study 2018-2021
Uncovering the history of lead toxicity and the population level impact on bald eagles...
Moose Population Health
Assessing moose population health in New York State with sampling and diagnostic testing to understand reproductive status, infectious disease exposure, parasite load, and causes of death.
Chronic Wasting Disease Risk Assessment and Prevention Planning
Reducing the risk of a serious threat to wild white tailed deer....
Completed Projects
Emergence of Black Bear Mange in New York
Understanding the transmission of a newly emerging disease of black bears...
Eastern Hellbender Conservation
Improving survival odds of North America's only giant salamander species - the Eastern Hellbender
White-tailed Deer Fawn Survival
Working with partners to assess health and survival in newborn fawns...
Lymphoproliferative disease virus (LPDV)
We determined that up to 80% of adult turkeys in NY are infected with LPDV...
Pathogen and Species Detection by eDNA 2017
Developing advanced tools to improve detection of aquatic pathogens and endangered species...