We integrate information from veterinary science and ecology to discover interesting and exciting facts where mathematics, computer science, resource management, and ornithology converge.
We used novel techniques to assess the population-scale impacts of Pb toxicosis in bald eagles in the northeastern US.
Life history of bald eagles
Life cycle graphs accurately reflect the biology of wildlife and are the mathematical building blocks of their projection matrix (de Kroon et al. 2000). We used a 3-stage matrix (Lefkovitch 1965) that contains bi-annual periods (Gallardo et al. 2019), density dependence (Caswell 2001), and stage-structured migration parameters. The matrices for the breeding and non-breeding periods are folded into a single annual model matrix (Hanley et al. 2019).
BAEA Breeding period.jpg

- Fecundity of breeding bald eagles.
- Failure of an immature or non-breeding bald eagle to move up into the breeding category.
- Successful transition of an immature or non-breeding bald eagle into the breeding category.
- Survival of an iteroparous adult bald eagle.
- The demotion of a breeding bald eagle into the non-breeding category.
BAEA Non-Breeding period.jpg

- (Before fall) Seasonal immigration of non-resident immatures or non-breeders.
- Failure of an immature or non-breeding bald eagle to move up into the breeding category.
- Successful fledging of a hatchling into the immature category.
- (Before fall) Seasonal immigration of non-resident breeders.
- The demotion of a breeding bald eagle into the non-breeding category.
- Survival of an iteroparous adult bald eagle.
- Successful transition from an immature or non-breeding adult into a breeding adult.
- (Before fall) Seasonal emigration of part-time resident immatures or non-breeders into an alternative geographical system.
- (After fall) Dispersion of resident immatures or non-breeders into an alternative geographical system.
- (After fall) Return immigration of part-time resident immatures or non-breeders.
- (Before fall) Seasonal emigration of part-time resident breeders into an alternative geographical system.
- (After fall) Dispersion of resident breeders into an alternative geographical system.
- (After fall) Return immigration of part-time resident breeders.
Population scale impact of lead (Pb) toxicosis on eagles
The population scale impact of lead (Pb) toxicosis in eagles is an important topic in wildlife management. We developed the CounterPOPd software to compare current (factual) and hypothetical (counter factual) population dynamics of bald eagles in the northeast US under Pb, Pb-reduced, and Pb-free conditions. Please see the published results in Hanley et al. (2022).
Additional questions
What are the current population dynamics of eagles in the northeast US?
Please see the published results in Hanley et al. (2019) or at doi.org/10.7298/q4m1-se95.
If the northeast US had been closed to dispersal, how would Pb have affected their recovery?
Please see doi.org/10.7298/q4t7-1y54.
Can I conduct my own sensitivity analysis? Sure!
Please see published results in Hanley, Connelly, and Dennis (2019) or at doi.org/10.7298/bcmg-7w08.
What are the impacts at hypothetically higher or lower densities?
Please see doi.org/10.7298/6yb8-5c25.
How has Pb influenced this plasticity in eagles?
Please see doi.org/10.7298/7rxf-ee77.
Using novel computational technologies, we can assess the population-scale impacts of a disease, toxin, or contaminant on bald eagles.
Watch a short video on the project
Ask for additional information
Questions can be directed to Dr. Krysten Schuler.
Financial support was provided in part by the Morris Animal Foundation under grant # D18ZO-103, in part by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and in part by the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Grant W-178-R Wildlife Health. The contents of this web site, links, interactive apps, cited literature, and narratives have not been reviewed nor endorsed by the Foundation or Department, and the views expressed in this content do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation or the Department, its officers, directors, affiliates or agents.
Bald eagle rebound stunted by poisoning from lead ammunition by Krishna Ramanujan in the Cornell Chronicle, 13 January 2022.
Lead diminished bald eagle recovery and continues to pose risks by David Frey at The Wildlife Society, 13 January 2022.
Eagles still feel weight of lead in environment at the Morris Animal Foundation, 13 January 2022.
Lead ammo poisoning threatening bald eagle population, study says by Joseph Guzman at The Hill, 13 January 2022.
Lead ammo hampers the bald eagle rebound in the Northeast US by Brian Bienkowski at Environmental Health News, 14 January 2022.
Bald eagle population growth stunted by lead poisoning, study finds by Alexandra Larkin at CBS News, 14 January 2022.
The bald eagle population slowly recovers, but lead ammo hampers their resilience by Rina Torchinsky at NPR, 14 January 2022.
U.S. bald eagles comeback diminished by lead poisoning from bullets by Barbara Goldberg at Reuters, 14 January 2022.
Bald eagle comeback impacted by lead poison by Sharon Udasin and Saul Elbein at The Hill, 14 January 2022.
Bald eagles are being poisoned by lead ammo in hunted animals. Could copper bullets be the fix? by Rita Giordano at The Philadelphia Inquirer, 3 February 2022.
Lead Bullets Are Stunting the Bald Eagle's Recovery by Spoorthy Raman at Audubon, 3 February 2022.
Lead poisoning is suppressing eagle populations by David Frey at The Wildlife Society, 17 February 2022.
Nearly half of US bald eagles suffer lead poisoning by Christina Larson at the AP, 17 February 2022.
Nearly half of bald eagles have lead poisoning by Tess Joosse at Science, 17 February 2022.
Bald Eagle Population Growth Rate Suppressed by Lead Poisoning by Aylin Woodward at the Wall Street Journal, 17 February 2022.
This research contains diverse and interdisciplinary contributions from professionals all over the region. Contributions may include intellectual property, knowledge, data, software code, time, ideas, suggestions, comments, reviews, a professional network, and communication materials.
We thank (alphabetical order):
Alyssa Kaganer, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
Amy McMurtry, Graphical Artist, Moscow, Idaho, USA
André A. Dhondt, Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
Barb Bodenstein, United States Geological Survey, National Wildlife Health Center, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Brenda Hanley, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
Brian Hess, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Cara Them, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Chris Martin, New Hampshire Audubon, Concord, New Hampshire, USA
David Needle, New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, USA
David O. Brown, Ithaca, New York, USA
David W. Kramer, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York, USA
Diane Winn, Avian Haven Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center, Freedom, Maine, USA
Dieter Heylen, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
Elizabeth M. Bunting, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
Ernesto Dominguez-Villegas, Independent Wildlife Consultant, Virginia, USA
Florina Tseng, Wildlife Clinic & Center for Conservation Medicine, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Tufts University, North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
Jennifer Peaslee, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
Justin D. Brown, Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
Karyn L. Bischoff, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Health Diagnostic Center, Ithaca, New York, USA
Katherine McComas, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
Kevin P. Hynes, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, New York, USA
Krysten L. Schuler, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
María J. Forzán, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Animal Health Diagnostic Center, Ithaca, New York, USA, and Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Long Island University, Brookville, New York, USA
Mark A. Pokras, Wildlife Clinic & Center for Conservation Medicine, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Tufts University, North Grafton, Massachusetts, USA
Mark Ruder, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA
Mary Garrison, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
Nick Hollingshead, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
Nicole I. Keith, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
Pamela Mills, Department of Lands and Forestry, Wildlife Division, Government of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, CA
Patrick Connelly, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
Patrick P. Martin, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (retired), Middleburgh, New York, USA
Rachel Abbott, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
Samantha Gibbs, Wildlife Health Office, National Wildlife Refuge System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Chiefland, Florida, USA
Sandra Houghton, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Sarah Ireley, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell Wildlife Health Lab, Ithaca, New York, USA
Tom French, Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Westborough, Massachusetts, USA
Wendy Kozlowski, John M. Olin Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
And 17 additional anonymous professionals or academic reviewers.
Peer-reviewed research:
Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Forzán, M, Bunting, E, Pokras, M, Hynes, K, Domínguez-Villegas, E, & Schuler, K. 2022. Environmental lead reduces the resilience of Bald Eagle populations. Journal of Wildlife Management. https://wildlife.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jwmg.22177
Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Dennis, B, & Schuler, K. 2019. Using time series data to assess recent population dynamics of Bald Eagles in the northeast United States. Ecosphere. doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.2963
Hanley, B, Connelly, P, & Dennis, B. 2019. Another look at the eigenvalues of a population matrix model. PeerJ 7:e8018. doi.org/10.7717/peerj.8018
Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Forzán, M, Bunting, E, Pokras, M, Hynes, K, Domínguez-Villegas, E, & Schuler, K. Bald Eagle Dashboard: Software to assess the population scale impact of anthropogenic mortality. In peer review.
Hanley, B, Connelly, P, Bunting, E, & Schuler, K. The impact of lead on bald eagles in New York from 1990-2018.
Interactive software:
Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Dennis, B, & Schuler, K. 2019. EaglePOPd Web Interactive: Software to investigate the demography of Bald Eagles in the Northeast, USA from 1990- 2018 [Software]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/q4m1-se95
Hanley, B, Connelly, P, & Dennis, B. 2019. IsoPOPd: Interactive software to understand how elements in a population matrix model influence the asymptotic population growth rate [Software]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/bcmg-7w08
Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Bunting, E, Pokras, M, Hynes, K, Forzán, M, & Schuler, K. 2019. CounterPOPd Web Interactive: Software to investigate the population scale impact of lead in bald eagles in the Northeast United States from 1990-2018 [Software]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/0v1k-wq39
Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, & Schuler, K. 2020. BandingPOPd: Software to investigate the USGS bald eagle banding and encounter data in the Northeast United States [Dataset]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/1n7f-xs53
Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Bunting, E, Pokras, M, Hynes, K, Forzán, M, & Schuler, K. 2019. ClosedCounterPOPd Web Interactive: Software to investigate the population scale impacts of lead in hypothetically closed bald eagle populations [Software]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/q4t7-1y54
Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Bunting, E, Pokras, M, Hynes, K, Forzán, M, & Schuler, K. 2019. DensiPOPd Web Interactive: Software to investigate the impacts to density dependence by lead in bald eagles in the Northeast United States [Software]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/6yb8-5c25
7 Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Bunting, E, Pokras, M, Hynes, K, Forzán, M, & Schuler, K. 2019. ClosedDensiPOPd Web Interactive: Software to investigate the impacts to density dependence by lead in bald eagles in hypothetically closed systems [Software]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/n2x8-6p10
8 Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Bunting, E, Pokras, M, Hynes, K, Forzán, M, & Schuler, K. 2019. PlastiPOPd Web Interactive: Software to investigate the life history plasticity in bald eagles in the Northeast United States [Software]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/7rxf-ee77
9 Hanley, B, Dhondt, A,Forzán, M, Bunting, E, Pokras, M, Hynes, K, Domínguez-Villegas, E, & Schuler, K. 2020. EagleDashboard: Assessing the population scale impacts of a disease, toxin, or contaminant in Bald Eagles [Software]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/0dm3-tf51
Data packages:
Avian Haven Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center. 2021. Avian Haven Bald Eagle Case Reports 2012-2019. Freedom, Maine [Data]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/qg9d-9p17
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. 2021. Tufts Bald Eagle Case Reports 1991-2019.Tufts University. North Grafton, Massachusetts [Data]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/6by1-j636
Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Forzán, M, Bunting, E, Pokras, M, Hynes, K, Dominguez-Villegas, E, Ponce Cosio, A E, & Schuler, K.2021a. Veterinary Data Package: Lead in Bald Eagles in the Northeast United States [Data]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/3p9p-j249
Hanley, B, Dhondt, A, Forzán, M, Bunting, E, Pokras, M, Hynes, K, Dominguez-Villegas, E, Ponce Cosio, A E, & Schuler, K.2021b. Time Series Data Package: Lead in Bald Eagles in the Northeast United States [Data]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/wr25-4m46
United States Geological Survey National Wildlife Heath Center. 2021. National Wildlife Heath Center Bald Eagle Data 1963-2014. National Wildlife Health Center, Madison, Wisconsin [Data]. Cornell University Library eCommons Repository. doi.org/10.7298/jn80-e080
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