I am a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Public and Ecosystem Health at Cornell University. My background is in statistical science, and I have experience in statistical models, machine learning algorithms, testing machine learning code, data structure, and algorithms techniques. Currently, I am working on data-solving techniques to detect wildlife diseases early and reduce their risk. I hold a BSC in Statistics, M.S in Statistics, and Ph.D. in Information Science and Technology.
Prior Selected Publications
Ahmed, M. S., Ishikawa, F., & Sugiyama, M. 2020. Testing Machine Learning Code Using of Polyhedral region. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '20), November 8– 13, 2020, Virtual Event, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages. 10.1145/3368089.3417043. https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3368089.3417043
Ahmed, M. S., & Morita, H. 2019. An Analysis of Essential facilities and Occupancy class for earthquake preparedness in Two Parts of Dhaka City. Int. J. Earthquake and Impact Engineering, 2(4), 339-359. 0.1504/IJEIE.2018.099364. https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJEIE.2018.099364
Ahmed, M. S., & Morita, H. 2018. An Analysis of Housing Structures' Earthquake Vulnerability in Two Parts of Dhaka City. Sustainability, 10:1106. mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/4/1106. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/4/1106