August 2, 2021

Hunting season is approaching and the Animal Health Diagnostic Center is accepting hunter-harvested submissions for CWD testing for $66 per sample (deer head).  Only NYS-harvested submissions are accepted at the AHDC, so if you harvested outside of NYS, please email us and we can help find the right lab for your submission!

Cornell University CVM AHDC CWD Test Submission Instructions

CWD Testing Sample Submission Instructions, video by Benjamin Jakobek

What do I submit?

We need the deer head for testing. Remove the head at the first vertebrae behind the skull. If you harvest a buck, cut off the antlers at the base or the skull plate with a saw before submitting. You will not be able to get the antlers back if you submit them to the lab.

When should I submit the deer head?

Submit the head as soon as possible after harvesting the deer. Do not freeze. Do not wait until the deer hangs for several days to submit.

Warning: Graphic Content. To view, click and hold on the image.

How do I package the head?

Follow the detailed shipping instructions provided to ensure that you are complying with federal regulations. The head must be contained in three leak-proof bags with ice packs and absorbent material so assemble these items before you begin handling the head.

Where can I drop the head off?

You can drop the head off at the Animal Health Diagnostic Center, 240 Farrier Rd., Ithaca, NY 14853 during regular business hours. Bring the packaged head to the Receiving window in the main lobby.

How do I ship the head in?

Follow the shipping instructions. Because the head will likely weigh more than 5 lbs., you must use UPS for shipping.

When will I get results?

Expect results about 10-14 business days. Results will be either be mailed or someone will call you with results. Please make sure that your information on the submission form is legible.

Can I eat the venison if it’s negative?

The CWD test is not considered a food safety test. The result will be positive, non-detect, or not able to be tested. The CDC recommends no one knowingly consume a CWD-positive deer. CWD has not been detected in NYS since 2005 so it is unlikely that you will have a positive result. If the head is not kept cool or a long period passes before being submitted for testing, the samples may be unsuitable and the test will not be able to be completed.

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) testing process

This video illustrates the CWD Testing Process

CWD testing labs for harvests outside NYS

Many states (listed and not listed) offer no-cost CWD testing for in-state harvests. Please contact the state you harvest in for info.

Lab State Cost Test Available Laboratory Location and Phone Number
Alabama $45.00 ELISA Thompson-Bishop-Sparks State Diagnostic Laboratory
890 Simms Road, Auburn, AL 36832. Phone: 334-844-4987
Colorado $30.00 ELISA, IHC Colorado State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
300 West Drake Road, Building C Fort Collins, CO 80523. Phone 970-297-1281
Florida $25.00 (paid by state)  IHC Bronson Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Florida Department of Ag & Consumer Services
2700 N. John Young Parkway Kissimmee, FL 34741. Phone: 321-697-1400
Iowa $25.00 ELISA Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
1800 Christiensen Dr, Ames, IA 50011. Phone: 515-292-1950
Kansas $29.50 IHC Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Kansas State University, CVM 
L232 Mosier Hall, 1800 Dennison Ave Manhattan, KS 66506. Phone: 785-532-5650
Louisiana $52.50 (paid by state) IHC Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries & Louisiana State University
Call for locations. Phone: 800-256-2749
Michigan $30 -70 depending on sample ELISA, IHC MDNR Wildlife Disease Laboratory & the Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 
4125 Beaumont Road, Lansing, MI 48910. Phone: 517-336-5030
Minnesota $35 -93 depending on sample IHC University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
1333 Gortner Ave, 244 Vet D L St. Paul, MN 55108. Phone: 612-625-8787
Montana $20.00 ELISA Montana Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Marsh Laboratory
1911 W. Lincoln St, Bozeman, MT 59771. Phone: 406-994-4885
Nebraska $57.50 ELISA, IHC University of Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center
4040 East Campus Loop North Lincoln, NE 68583. Phone: 402-472-1434
Ohio $35 -91 depending on sample ELISA, IHC Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Ohio Department of Agriculture 
8995 East Main St., Bldg. # 6 Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. Phone: 614-728-6220
Pennsylvania $80.00 ELISA, IHC Pennsylvania Veterinary Laboratory, Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture
2305 N. Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Phone: 717-787-8808
University of Pennsylvania, School of Vet Med, New Bolton Center, PADLS
382 West Street Rd Kennett Square, PA 19348. Phone: 610-444-5800
South Dakota $27.00 (paid by state) ELISA South Dakota State University Animal Disease Research & Diagnostic Laboratory
Box 2175, N. Campus Dr., Brookings, SD 57007. Phone: 605-688-5171
Texas $28 -51 depending on sample ELISA, IHC Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory
483 Agronomy Road College Station, TX 77843. Phone: 979-845-3414
Utah $42.00 ELISA Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Lab
950 East 1400 North, Logan, UT 84341. Phone: 435-797-1895
Virginia $35.00 ELISA, IHC Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (VDACS) Diagnostic Laboratories
Harrisonburg Laboratory, 261 Mount Clinton Pike, Harrisonburg, VA Phone: 540-209-9130

Warrenton Laboratory, 272 Academy Hill Road, Warrenton, VA  Phone: 540-316-6543
Washington $28 -65 depending on sample ELISA, IHC Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
1940 SE Olympia Ave  Pullman, WA 99164. Phone: 509-335-9696
Wisconsin $23.-75 depending on sample ELISA, IHC Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory University of Wisconsin-Madison
445 Easterday Lane Madison, WI 53706. Phone: 608-262-5432 ext. 2227
Wyoming $40.00 IHC Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory  
1174 Snowy Range Road, Laramie, WY 82070. Phone: (307) 766-9925
Wyoming $0.00 (in-state harvests only) ELISA Wyoming Game and Fish Wildlife Health Laboratory  
1174 Snowy Range Road, Laramie, WY 82070. Phone: 307-745-5865

Please contact the laboratory before submitting samples